Holistic Medical Sanctuary
Integrated Medical Services
Holistic Health Medical Consultation
30 mins. 60 mins. |
PHP 3,000++ PHP 5,000++ |
A health-oriented conversation with our integrative doctor that will explore the individual’s state of well-being. It will help guests understand the disharmony between the physical, psycho-emotional, and spiritual aspects of the individual based on Review of Systems or Symptoms Analysis.
Nutritional Consultation
30 mins. | PHP 2,000++ |
Assessment of the guests’ weight, body fat, visceral fat muscle mass, bone mass, metabolic age, Body Mass Index (BMI), etc. Results will be used to assess your overall nutritional condition and our nutritionist will be able to provide guidance on how to sustainably achieve your health and nutritional goals.
Cellular Health Screening
30 mins. | PHP 2,500++ |
This is a high-value introduction to health-consciousness among the young and those who want to
jumpstart a healthy lifestyle using one’s blood as seen live under a special microscope.
The blood is a very special part of the human being, it stirs a person’s feelings and consciousness more than any other bodily fluid. It is an educational experience-based tour through visual appreciation of one’s overall health status through the quality of the red blood cells and the actions of the white blood cells. It gives a glimpse of what’s happening inside the body and as well as information on possible nutritional deficiencies, subtle toxicities and the person’s immune status. It is based on foundations of histology (study of cells) and hematology (study of blood) correlated clinically through the cellular manifestations of inflammation and oxidative stress. It uses a specialized microscope to look into signs of symbiosis (gut health and microbiome-related disorder), sugar and cholesterol imbalance, as well as internal organ distress such as the liver and kidneys.
More than the vast information from one drop of living blood, the value of this experience is in its ability to connect you to the intelligence of your body in a deeper sense. Thereby being a powerful tool in your quest for optimal health.
Blood Type Diet
30 mins. | PHP 4,000++ |
A blood typing procedure plus a consultation with our nutritionist will provide you with an extensive food list that suits your blood type.
Brain Biofeedback
60 mins. | PHP 5,000++ |
The machine scans the electromagnetic fields produced by our neural cells and calculates possible for alterations in our nervous system.
This procedure helps patients get feedback how their body or brain is functioning. Our doctors will interpret these findings and give recommendations on how to improve your body or brain function.
Advanced Brain Biofeedback/Micro Health Assessment
180 mins. | PHP 6,000++ |
An in-depth health assessment that gives comprehensive details on all internal organs of the body, identifies physiological illnesses, parasitic invasion, viral overload, and bacterial overload using technology similar to what is being used to monitor the health of individuals involved in space exploration.
Whole Body Scan / Micro Health Assessment
Electron Scan Complex
60 mins. | PHP 12,000++ |
A rapid overall health assessment that provides details on the systemic and holistic condition of the body. The ESC scans Cardiac Health, Endocrine or Hormonal Health, Psychosomatic Health, Prostate & Thyroid Health, and Lymphatic & Neural or Nerve Health with the same principles used in ECG (electrocardiograph) or EEG (electroencephalograph).
For an overall and in-depth health assessment, it is best to combine the modalities of the whole-body scan and advanced brain biofeedback.
Non-Invasive Breast Check Up
HD Thermography
60 mins. | PHP 8,000++ |
Cancer cells are typically in the body 10-20 years before they get numerous enough to be noticed. Performed and interpreted by certified MD thermologists, the HD Thermography is a better and more comfortable way to detect potentially cancerous tissue without radiation and it employs no compression or touch during the scan. HD Thermography is also safe for pregnant or nursing women, persons with dense or fibrous breasts and even those with implants.
HD Thermography is also used in other body parts such as the groin and thorax to assess circulatory stress and levels of physical stress especially in the shoulder and back areas.
*Additional fees: USD 99 for breast scan interpretation, USD 169 for women’s and men’s health study interpretation, and USD 199 for the whole-body evaluation interpretation. Interpretation and comparison to a database is done by a specialist thermographer in the United States.
Women’s / Men’s Health Study
60 mins. | PHP 10,000++ |
This procedure uses HD Thermography from head to the groin area.
*Additional fees: USD 99 for breast scan interpretation, USD 169 for women’s and men’s health study interpretation, and USD 199 for the whole-body evaluation interpretation. Interpretation and comparison to a database is done by a specialist thermographer in the United States.
Whole Body Scan
120 mins. | PHP 12,000++ |
This procedure uses HD Thermography from head to toe.
*Additional fees: USD 99 for breast scan interpretation, USD 169 for women’s and men’s health study interpretation, and USD 199 for the whole-body evaluation interpretation. Interpretation and comparison to a database is done by a specialist thermographer in the United States.
Psychosomatic Health Assessment
Voice Analysis
60 mins. | PHP 5,000++ |
A technology similar to voice signature, this assessment can identify specific stressors that affect your health just by examining your voice. The voice analysis can recognize what organs in your body are directly being affected by stress. After de-stressing and stress management recommendations from The Farm, the voice analysis can show and assess how you are truly managing your stress.
It is recommended to undergo this test at the on-set and end of your stay at the farm.
Vital Test for Heavy Metals, Minerals, and Vitamins
45 mins. | PHP 10,000++ |
A diagnostic device that determines the levels of heavy metals, minerals, and vitamins in the body by employing the principle of Spectrophotometry. Heavy metal toxicity, mineral imbalances, and vitamin deficiencies are only a few of the underlying common causes of illness.
A great variety of our diseases may actually come from autointoxication of the colon. Toxins from your gastrointestinal tract can cause various health problems, such as arthritis, cancer, autoimmune disease, hormonal imbalance, skin problems, and high blood pressure. Thus, there’s a real need to regularly cleanse and support our large intestine (colon) to boost your energy, enhance your immune system, and prevent disease.
Reminder: A 2-hour fasting is required prior to the start of the procedure. All procedures are medically supervised. Aftercare is provided by our colon hydrotherapists at our designated lounge.
Cleansing Enema
60 mins. | PHP 6,000++ |
The first step is to do a Colema™ Cleansing Enema that cleans up the lower part of the colon flushed with a warm solution of either coffee or chamomile tea to help clear waste materials and assists in the detoxification process.
Angel of Water®
Colon Cleansing
60 mins. | PHP 6,000++ |
The second step in Colon Hydrotherapy is the Angel of Water® Colon Cleansing which uses 32 liters of clean filtered water infused into the colon to stimulate natural muscular contraction and help eliminate waste in the process. This procedure removes toxins and stimulates your digestive system.
90 mins. | PHP 8,000++ |
This is the third step; it detoxifies the colon by using a calibrated pressure-driven water system.
Rectal Infusion Therapy
30 mins. | 4 oz. PHP 4,800++
8 oz. PHP 7,000++ |
This therapy uses organic wheatgrass or aloe vera that will be infused into your rectal vault and help nourish the colon with much needed nourishing substances.
Our health depends on how good the internal organs work. A non-invasive procedure of applying herbs on to the skin, increasing the detoxification process of the organs. It is an ancient way of helping to regenerate the organs. Philippine Traditional Medicine includes the use of Tapal, which is the application of special medicinal leaves with warmed oil, to treat ailments. Benefits include soothing internal organs, such as the liver, the kidneys, and the reproductive organs, relaxation and aid in sleeping.
Liver Nursing Care Treatment / Liver Compress
30 mins. | PHP 2,000++ |
The liver is a major organ of detoxification and digestion. People who are highly stressed and/or take a multitude of drugs will benefit from this. A gentle yet potent form of nurturing the liver is using herbs such as yarrow or ampalaya (bitter gourd) leaves.
Kidney Nursing Care Treatment / Kidney Compress
30 mins. | PHP 2,000++ |
The kidney compress helps regulate or balance the body’s internal environment (homeostasis) such as fluid balance and acid-base balance. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the adrenal glands and reproductive system is a part of the kidney energy system. It’s the best treatment for people with adrenal fatigue, reproductive function issues and kidney disorder.
Lung Nursing Care Treatment / Lung Compress
30 mins. | PHP 2,000++ |
This herbal/oil compress applied to the upper back is designed for relieving problems in the lungs arising from acute and chronic conditions. At the same time, it detoxifies the lung tissue and stimulates regeneration.
Belly Nursing Care Treatment/Belly Compress
30 mins. | PHP 2,000++ |
Gives relief and resolution of dysmenorrhea or chronic gas pains.
Liver Cleanse & Gallbladder Flush (Overnight)
24 hrs. | PHP 10,000++ |
This procedure involves flushing out of intrahepatic bile sludge responsible for the liver being sluggish and contributing to gallstone formation. Special drinks, such as Epsom salt and the Liver Cleanse potion, are served at specific time within 24 hours based on the liver biorhythm.
Checking the liver and gallbladder condition is very important prior to doing the Liver Cleanse procedure. A Hepatobiliary Tree Ultrasound is done at a nearby partner hospital, or you may bring your own official ultrasound reading taken within the last 3 months. Our medical doctors will evaluate the ultrasound for medical clearance. As the procedure may be quite exhausting, please refrain from doing strenuous and dehydrating activities on the actual day of the Liver Cleanse.
Floatation Pod
60 mins. | PHP 7,000++ |
A sensory deprivation water pod saturated with 454kgs of Epsom salt (Magnesium sulfate) that allows the body to float without effort. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant and is therefore ideal for those with tight muscles or muscle pains. Likewise, Magnesium is known as a light-bearing molecule which affords a sense of lightness to the individual during or after the session.
Infrared Bioresonance Therapy (Vital Dome®)
50 mins. | PHP 7,000++ |
The Vital Dome uses far infrared technology to uniformly raise the internal temperature of the body for a number of benefits such as detoxification, relaxation, pain relief, weight management, sleep induction and conditioning among others. Far infrared rays are naturally present at sunrise and sunset and are perfectly compatible with the body when they penetrate deep into the tissues. They emit the ideal energy to stimulate at the cellular level and promote natural regenerative processes that are vital and beneficial to the body.
Aside from total detoxification, other benefits include reduction of stress and accumulated tension, realignment of the internal body clock of people with jetlag and irregular work schedules, safer weight management and fitness, relief from pain and chronic fatigue, lessened involuntary muscle tremors as in Parkinson’s, enhanced immunity, rejuvenated skin and graceful ageing, and better quality of sleep.
This therapy is best combined with: Myotherapy and Acupuncture
Aromatherapy & Flower Essence Oxygen Bar
10 mins. | PHP 1,500++ |
Oxygen has been known to help thin the blood, increase circulation, and speed up metabolism, thus burning more calories just by breathing. It promotes healing, increases performance, endurance, and energy levels.
The nose is the only sense organ with direct connection to the brain through the olfactory bulb with direct access through the cribriform plate. Therapeutic-grade aroma therefore reaches the brain, which then controls the functions of the rest of the body. Therapeutic-grade aromatherapy is different from scent-grade, and The Farm uses the purest high-quality essences to enrich blood, regenerate cells & organs, energize and relax depending on the essence being administered.
The Farm also uses special flower essences from Iceland and other such pristine places as well as dewdrops from flowers coming from high-altitude places such as the Andes mountains. The selection of flower essence blend is personalized according to one’s needs: freedom, revitalization or stress-relief.
Oxygen Bar
10 mins.
15 mins. |
PHP 3,000++
PHP 4,000++ |
Oxygen has the capacity to displace harmful free radicals, neutralize environmental toxins, and destroy anaerobic infectious bacteria, parasites and microbes. Also known as Biogen because of its life-giving property, oxygen also gives the body the ability to rebuild itself, detoxify blood, and strengthen the immune system while healing your mind, body, and soul. Oxygen is a stress reliever and combined with aromatherapy, it heightens concentration and awareness. It has been known to help in the prevention of disease, relieve hangovers, and alleviate migraine headaches.
The oxygen bar is a therapy that combines the inhalation of oxygen with various oxy-aromas to choose from or to combine to achieve a personal feeling of well-being either stimulating or relaxing.
Body Salt Bath
30 mins. | PHP 2,500++ |
Sea salt or rock salt is unique in that even if pulverized to the tiniest possible molecule, it still retains its crystalline structure. Only by dissolving in water will it give up its crystalline form only to re-emerge after the water has evaporated. This particular quality lends salt its organizing healing quality especially among those who are going through chaotic experiences in life. No wonder, it is used in purification rituals in healing traditions. A series of The Farm’s Body Salt Bath has been observed to be extremely helpful among people with insomnia.
Magnetic Clay Foot Treatment
45 mins. | PHP 3,800++ |
Magnetic Clay Foot Treatment involves soaking the feet in a warm solution of high-grade magnetic clay with special herbs. Clay has the ability to produce an electrical charge when in solution. The electrical charge gives it its ability to absorb toxins like a magnet. The Farm uses a special clay proven in various studies to be superior in its pulling power to absorb toxic chemicals, impurities, and heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, etc. This procedure is a safe and effective aid in detoxification by releasing years of toxic environmental pollutants that have been accumulating in the body, organs, tissues and cells. This is highly recommended for smokers and those with history of exposure to cigarettes like passive smokers.
Ionization Foot Treatment
30 mins. | PHP 2,000++ |
Anions about in nature when the ocean waves hit the rocks and in areas with flowing water. Anions are partly the reason why it’s so refreshing after a rain shower.
Ionizing technologies produce anions to neutralize chemical residues from unhealthy lifestyle, toxins and stress-related breakdown products which get deposited in the body as cations. A deeper understanding on the chakra system, the meridian system and foot reflexology will elucidate the depth of this treatments’ role in one’s journey for optimal health.
This machine uses natural aqua anions or bio energy detoxification and cleansing of the body and its energy meridians. It cleanses your body through your feet to stabilize natural energy and to relieve stress, increase immunity to illness and improve heart health.
Hara Puri Treatment
30 mins. | PHP 2,500++ |
Gentle, therapeutic massage strokes that are solely focused on the abdominal and pelvic area with its internal organs that help to expel abdominal gases, decrease bloating, improves intestinal muscle contractions and relieves constipation.
Harmonizing Flow Sessions
By appointment
60 mins. | PHP 6,000++ |
It is an umbrella term for the various forms of healing therapies that allow the guest to navigate inner experiences in a safe and nurturing space.
Psychoemotional Clearing. Involves a combination of any techniques that help clear mental confusion, reveal psycho emotional scars, and break free from negative emotional imprisonment which is the root cause of many physical ailments and disharmonies. This is highly recommended for those who are high-strung and highly-irritable, and those who see life as an experience of unfreedom.
Neurogenic Release. Neurogenic tremors are naturally experienced by the body in extreme situations whether joyful or not, like winning a challenging sport game or in times of great fear. This session helps to address chronic bodily stress, deep-seated physical tension manifested as muscle tightness/rigidity or numbness/weakness and post-traumatic experiences.
It targets the psoas, a special muscle that connects the legs, groin to the abdomen; the same muscle where a lot of unconscious tension is dumped into. As such, Neurogenic Release is a great help for those who have sleep problems, jaw tension or tooth grinding, persistent neck & shoulder pains, erectile dysfunction, etc. It is also a good way to efficiently lose excess fats in the midsection.
It is advised for guests to undergo brief exercises like stationary biking, walking, jumping jacks to exhaust big leg muscles (which hide or overshadow the psoas muscle) and reach fatigue prior to the session to accelerate the process of neurogenic release.
Reiki. Reiki is the unlimited source of universal energy and is an ancient Japanese hand- on method of natural healing. It promotes relaxation, reduces stress, fatigue and anxiety through gentle touch. This relaxation response can help treat headache, tensions, insomnia and nausea.
Guided Meditation
30 mins. 60 mins. |
PHP 4,000++ PHP 6,000++ |
A private meditation session where the guest experiences self-awareness, management of thoughts leading to a state of relaxation, and expansion of consciousness.
Dolphin Neurostim
30 mins. 60 mins. |
PHP 4,000++ PHP 6,000++ |
A needleless device applies direct microcurrents in acupuncture points to reduce sympathetic stress to reduce of soft tissue pain and relieve body wide pain. It is effective for post-surgical pain and stress reduction.
Scar Release Therapy (SRT). Assists in reversing the polarity of the formed scar to permit cellular reconnection, downregulate the sympathetic nervous system, release the fascia and adhesions, improve circulation and energy flow, and to stop the pain cycle. It also allows the treated scar to naturally become less noticeable and the keloid to be flatter. If you have a scar, SRT is ideal to be performed first prior to the MPS Pain Therapy.
Myofascial Pain Syndrome Therapy (MPS). It includes standard core therapy protocols that are designed to decompress the spine and rebalance the sacrum. Electroacupuncture also employs specific MPS Therapy Protocols for various health conditions and pain symptoms.
Electroacupuncture is a great option for those with fear of needle puncture. Not advisable for pregnant women and with cardiac pacemaker implants. Consult our medical team of doctors prior to treatment.
The Intravenous route is a safe and effective way to deliver the needed substances like vitamins and minerals. Substances delivered through the intravenous route or directly into the vein have a fast action, higher blood concentration and stay longer in the body.
Vitamin C + Glutathione
60 mins. | PHP 8,000++ |
This strengthens the immune system, provides a high level of antioxidants, preventing damage to skin cells and builds up collagen, increases energy during stressful moments by assisting in the production of noradrenaline, and helps detoxify the liver.
Myer’s Cocktail
60 mins. | PHP 6,000++ |
The combination of Vitamin C, B complex, and magnesium boosts immunity, gives more energy, and improves a person’s mood. This can help treat symptoms of chronic conditions such as asthma, fibromyalgia, fatigue and migraines.
Immune Boost
60 mins. | PHP 6,000++ |
Useful any time you are under greater than usual amounts of stress, feeling excessive fatigue, when your immune system needs bolstering to fight acute or chronic viral and bacterial infections, and when your skin needs to be restored to glowing conditions. This infusion is made up of Vitamin C.
Luminous Glow Drip IV Therapy
30 mins. | PHP 4,000++ |
A quick top up of antioxidants especially if you are on a long detox program. It’s your booster treatment
that gives you a glowing and brighter skin and makes your immune system stronger.
Special IV Drips
ALA Drip
Fat Metabolism and Insulin Resistance
60 mins. | PHP 14,000++ |
Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is an antioxidant crucial in the function of the mitochondria, also known as the powerhouse of the cell. The human body naturally produces this but only in small amounts. Given intravenously, it offers the much-needed boost for those who suffer from vitality concerns like chronic fatigue syndrome, adrenal insufficiency, post- COVID sequelae/COVID and long hauler syndrome, among others.
It powerfully helps with inflammation and insulin resistance and is therefore an important support for the management of weight, diabetes/ diabetic neuropathy, cancer, hypothyroidism, metabolism- related disorders and other symptoms connected to accelerated-aging.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) Drip
Heart Health
60 mins. | PHP 14,000++ |
CoQ10 is an antioxidant most popularly known for heart health and repair of stress-related cellular damage. It plays a vital role in a lot of body functions from repairing cellular damage to preserving youthful skin and youthful vitality.
It helps improve stamina, addresses stubborn fat and supports the nervous system. Studies show that when introduced intravenously. CoQ10 crosses the blood-brain barrier and accumulates in the brain to effectively promote mental clarity, better memory recall, and sharper cognitive faculties.
40 mins. | PHP 3,000++ |
A wireless body spot reduction and contouring system that uses heat and a unique 635nm wavelength of light to increase fat cell metabolism thereby reducing their size. This is best followed with a Pure Wave™ treatment and exercise for best results to achieve more effective slimming and toning results.
Pure Wave™
20 mins. | PHP 2,500++ |
Electrical pulses that emit low, medium, and high frequencies to produce painless deep muscle stimulation that relieves pain, slims the body, and tones muscles.
Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle Discussion
30 mins. 60 mins. |
PHP 3,000++ PHP 4,000++ |
At the end of the guest’s program, the doctor helps them create a sustainable health plan for their life after The Farm taking into consideration their constitution, environment, and current lifestyle.
Take Home Meal Plan
30 mins. | PHP 3,500++ |
Assessment of food intake and lifestyle history of the guest. Using these data, the nutritionist formulates a sustainable meal plan that suits the guest’s individual needs, daily recommendations, and lifestyle.
By appointment
Session with the Doctor
60 mins. | PHP 7,000++ |
A one-hour session conducted by our medical practitioners specializing in certain fields of alternative healing modalities and is customized depending on the needs of the guest.
Special Topic Lectures
60 mins. | 1-10 persons PHP 8,000++ 11-20 persons PHP 12,000++ |
This is meant for the participants to deeply appreciate the complicated workings of the mind, the human body and its fascinating processes. Whenever possible, the medical lecturer will introduce activities for a more experiential approach to the topic.
- The Human Body – enhance your senses for the subtle messages of the body especially on health matters
- Specific Internal Organs and Processes – gain practical knowledge about the liver, heart, kidneys, lungs, etc.
- Special Topics – this will depend on specific interests as requested by the guests:
- Vibrational Medicine – a lecture to fully appreciate how various energies work at The Farm and how these can benefit your health.
- Chrono medicine and Biorhythm – Did you know that internal organs have their own rhythm? Knowing the science of timing will help you understand certain patterns in life.
- Art Therapy – Experience how art, through therapeutic form drawing or working with colors, helps establish brain pathways to healing and helps prevent senile dementia, symptoms related to heart and breathing issues, and hormonal imbalance.
- Shibashi 18 Healing Movements – Engaging in meaningful movements is one of the key factors to optimal Behind any disease process is some form of blockage. Shibashi re-establishes flow in the body while at the same time connecting the person to nature and the Source through its 18 healing movements.
- Fairy Tale and Healing – To imagine another reality, a reality other than the current pain or health challenge one is faced with, is a big step towards the manifestation of that grander version of reality one wants to step Imagination, Inspiration, and Intuition are higher forms of thinking. And through these, we access higher truths. One truth is that within each wish is the potential to make it a reality and within every cell is the healthy blueprint. Fairy tales live in the world of imagination. The images in these stories contain in them seeds of healing. Together, let us unravel the depth of healing wisdom in fairy tales.
*Note: Only highly-qualified lecturers with years of experience on the topic are assigned to enliven the topics. As such, special topics are given depending on availability of the resource person.
Medical Consultation
For Cigna Members only
30 mins. | PHP 3,000++ |
An integrative medical doctor will assess the medical condition, provide initial diagnosis, recommend therapeutic interventions or clearance for procedure and give advice for the benefit of the guest.
60 mins. | PHP 6,000++ |
Acupuncture is a major component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acknowledged by WHO as a safe and evidence-based effective treatment. It involves the insertion of fine, thin and sterile needles into the meridian or targeted points of the body to stimulate sensory nerves under the skin and in the muscles. This results in the body producing natural substances like pain-relieving endorphins. Only duly certified and licensed acupuncturists supervised by a medical doctor can perform this procedure. The combination of Cupping and/or Myotherapy can further enhance the efficacy of acupuncture.
Integrative Physical Medicine / Physiotherapy
60 mins. | PHP 8,500++ |
This is rehabilitation and physical medicine using manual therapy to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability. Using no devices or machines, our skilled and highly trained physical therapists use only their hands for myofascial release, joints, muscles and spinal manipulation and other specialized techniques to optimize function, control, balance and symmetry of the body. Combination therapies like Acupuncture, Myotherapy, and Cupping may be added to further improve and accelerate healing.
60 mins. | PHP 6,000++ |
A medically-directed therapeutic massage under Physical Therapy specifically targeting trigger points and acupuncture spots in muscle complexes to treat soft tissue pain and restricted joint movement. The therapy corresponds to the chief complaints of the guest and as directed by the medical doctor and/or physical therapist. A best combination therapy of Acupuncture, Physiotherapy and Chiropractic Care further enhances the efficacy of the integration of treatments.
Chiropractic Care
60 mins. | PHP 8,500++ |
This modality is a medical treatment involving the manipulation of bones and joints in order to realign, relief pain, and establish functionality.
Mental Health Consultation
60 mins.
Online PHP 4,800++
In-person* PHP 8,000++ *Requires 2-3 days to schedule |
An interaction with a Mental Health Specialist / Psychologist for the purpose of managing one’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being which affects how a person thinks, feels, and acts, more so on handling stress, relationships and decisions. Our licensed highly trained Psychologists and Mental Health Practitioners can effectively handle various conditions in the calming environment at The Farm.
By Dr. Radi Apostol of Above Aesthetics
Aesthetic Consult
45 mins. | USD 100++ |
Medical aesthetic evaluation serves as the basis of aesthetic management. The consult covers and identifies the root causes of the aesthetic challenge as resulting from the disharmony of the body, mind, and soul.
Aesthetic Acupuncture
60 mins. | USD 125++ |
Insertion of fine needles (as thin as hair) to scalp, face and other energy meridians of the body to unblock the whole system.
Indications: boosting immune system, energizing the body, stress reliever, for faster absorption of nutrients and elimination of toxins; anti-aging, disease prevention; release negative emotions.
Emperor’s / Empress’ Facial
30-45 mins. | USD 125++ |
Stress relief anti-aging, relax vital organs, insomnia, smoothening facial skin
Consists of acupressure massage on the face, ear, scalp, neck, shoulder, chest, and upper arms with the goal of loosening the blockages combined with Western techniques of mild LED photo rejuvenation to improve blood circulation and stimulate collagen formation, sucking out dirt and toxins using vacuum and closing the pores with ice roller or cryo sticks. A 30 to 45 minutes session is equivalent to at least a week of stress relief because the procedure relaxes vital organs.
Holistic Nasal Sinuses Drainage
30 mins. | USD 120++ |
Ideal to treat: Allergic Rhinitis, sinusitis, nasal congestion
Uses a pure beeswax cone candle that is lit and placed in the nostril to cover the nasal opening, which will result to sucking out the melted solidified dirt.
Ear Piercing
30 mins. | USD 95++ |
Creating pinpoint holes to the earlobes with insertion of earrings.
Needleless Auricular Acupuncture
30 mins. | USD 95++ |
It entails fine needleless acupuncture on acupuncture points of both ears and application of ear seeds. For weight management to control cravings, quit smoking, stress relief as well as addiction.
Opening hours.
The Holistic Medical Sanctuary is open daily from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Please dial 8036 for more information and assistance.
The clinic is located at the Holistic Medical Sanctuary; near the reception area across the lagoon.
Our integrative medical doctors and licensed nurses are more than willing to discuss the treatments and therapies we offer. We recommend you bring your current or latest laboratory results for a more comprehensive, holistic approach to understanding and improving your healing journey. Please advise us at the time of booking if you have any major health concerns.
Pre-booking your treatments is essential so that we may best accommodate your needs. You are encouraged to arrive at least 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment to ensure you have adequate time to prepare before your treatment begins. If you arrive late, your treatment time will be reduced accordingly.
Cancellation and rescheduling.
Should you be late to your appointment, pre-booked reservations may be released or the full treatment or service time may not be offered to avoid disrupting succeeding guests’ appointments. Cancellations done on the day of treatment or service shall be charged 100% of the treatment or service cost. NO SHOW will be charged 100% of the treatment or service cost.
Mobile phones.
As a courtesy to all guests, please put your mobile devices on silent upon entering the treatment room.
Special consideration.
We reserve the right the refuse treatment to guests who arrive intoxicated or under the influence of illegal substances. Our therapists are trained professionals and any inappropriate behavior will end your treatment.
What to wear.
As the Farm is casual, thus we recommend comfortable attire and footwear.
Please leave your valuables in the safety deposit box provided in your room. The Farm shall not be held responsible for valuables that are not secured or left in the resort surroundings.
Gift certificates.
You may request a customized holistic medical treatment/package. You may add room accommodation with breakfast, lunch and/or dinner in any or all of our wellness restaurants. For inquiries you may contact our Sales team at +63 917 639 1758.